Why are river important for life on earth?

Rivers move water and nutrients that are important for the life of plants, animals and people around the world.

Why are most of the big cities around the world next to rivers?

On the rivers people can transport food and goods to keep the cities supplied.

What are the most polluted rivers in the world?

The Ganges, Yangtze and Indus are some of the most polluted.

On which river is the Grand Canyon?

The Grand Canyon is on the Colorado River in the USA.

Are all rivers of the world freshwater?

No but most of the rivers are.

Where are the rivers in the world?

They are on every continent in the world.

What do rivers do?

What do rivers do?

They supply water for storage in the lakes and oceans.

Here are some of the most important rivers in the world.


A- The Sepik River is located in New Guinea, it is the longest river in New Guinea.

B- It is important the the environment because it has swamps, rainforests and mountain areas.

C-It is the home for many different kinds of rare plants and animals.

D-The river is 1126 kilometers long.

E-Mining is the biggest threat to the river and the many tribes of people who live there.


A- The Mississippi River is in the the USA it runs north to south from Minnesota to Louisiana.

B-The river is 3,730 kilometers long and it is 11 kilometers wide it the widest point.

C-Climate change is changing the flow of the river due to large rain storms and periods of extreme drought.

D-The river is a major trade route to supply needs for the country.

E-The largest pollution is farming and sediments from the farms but today industry is also a large polluter.


A- The Volga river is located in Russia it is the longest river in Europe it is 3,530 kilometers long.

B-The river fills the Caspian Sea (lake) but the level is decreasing as agriculture needs are taking much of the water.

C-The river gets its water from snow 60%, underground water 30% and from rainfall 10%.

D-The water temperature changs from around 6 degrees C in the north to 25 degrees C in the south.

E-Agriculture, industrial and raw sewage are some of the largest pollution problems for the river.


A-The river is located in Africa and is called the ” River of Life ” it is the4th longest river in Africa and it runs through 7 countries.

B-As many other rivers of the world climate change is affecting the river as other with increasingly large rain and long drought periods.

C-The river is blocked to create electricity so many crops and fish have died.

D-Many of Africas large animals have left using the river because of all the man made changes to the river.

E- Hippopotamus, crocodiles, large birds and fish call the river home.


A-The river is in Asia and runs for 4,350 kilometers long. It runs through China, Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam.

B-As for pollution the river in general remains clean.

C-The people from Loo and Cambodia catch more fish than from any river in the world.

D-The majority of the water in the river comes from rainfall especially from monsoon rain events in the south.

E-Flood control has helped the river economics so farmers can grow crops all year increasing their output.


A-The Ganges river is in India it is considered sacred to the people of the region.

B-The river flows for 2,601 kilometers from the Himalayan mountain range.

C-The river is severely polluted and the health of the river is of great concern to humans and animals mostly from human waste.

D-The river is sacred from the Hindu religion it is important for the people to bath in the water to respect their ancestors.

E-Human development has changed over 95% of the river basin almost all of the original vegetation has been changed this threatens the animals that once lived there.


A-The Danube is Europes 2nd largest river it is 2,850 kilometers long it flows through 10 countries.

B-The river was the frontier for the great Roman Empire.

C-Around 20 million people need the Danube river for drinking water.

D-The river was once famous for fishing but overfishing has led to a decline of of fishing.

E-Their are 5000 types of birds, animals and plants in the river and also many tourists there are more than 70 cruise ships between Vienna and Budapest.


A-The Yangtze river is the longest river in Asia it mostly flows west to east for 6,300 kilometers. It is the 3rd longest in the world and is completely in China.

B-The Three Gorges Dam is the largest hydro-electric plant in the world.

C-Mainly the river is used for drinking water, irrigation, sanitation, transportation but it has many other many other uses.

D-25% of the population of China live near the river.

E-The river has the most ships of any river in the world but the river is very polluted at this time.


A-The Nile river is in Africa and it is the longest river in the world it flows to the north to the Mediterranean Sea it is 6,650 kilometers long.

B-It was the home for the great Egyptian civilization and the great pyramids mainly because it had very fertile soil.

C-The river starts or the source of the river is Lake Victoria.

D-The population along the river has created many problems for the river it one of the fastest growing areas in Africa.

E- Lack of control monitoring the river has led to increased pollution and is a problem for the future of the river.


A-The river is the 2nd longest in the world after the Nile River it flows for 6,400 kilometers it is in South America.

B-20% of the freshwater in the world goes that enters the oceans comes from this river.

C-The Amazon river is over 11,000,000 years old and has been the same as today for 2.4 million years.

D-Many unique fish as the Piranha, fish as the pink river dolphin and snakes as the Anaconda live in the river

E-Ther are many very serious pollution issues facing the health of the river mostly from mining, agriculture and chemical spills.