Learn english learn interesting fun facts what are the 10 most intelligent animals in the world
1 Chimpanzees it is not surprising the 2 Chimpanzees that are the closest living relatives to the human are the most intelligent animal they make tools and use them to acquire food and exhibit social tendencies 2 Elephants are number 2 on the list of the most intelligent animals please look up the reasons why as a way to increase your knowledge and tell us why 3 Dolphins are on an equal level of intelligence as the elephant they are very smart indeed 4 Parrots can mimic or imitate human speech and can solve puzzles 5 Sheep can recognize human faces and remember them for many years also they can […]
Learning english reading how to read new vocabulary
We want to help you learn the english you want and need to know by posting many different interesting subjects and ideas. There may be many words you are not familiar with try to read them slowly and break down the new words out loud you will slowly increase your vocabulary and knowledge of new subjects. We are here to help you lets learn together!