River again
What do you think here are a few issues facing rivers today around the world. Environmental pollution, agricultural chemicals, water pollution, soil erosion, urbanization and increased flood risk. What are the most contaminated rivers in the world? Ganges river in India, Citarum river in Indonesia, Yellow river in China, Sarno river in Italy, Buringanga river in Bangladesh, Mario river in Philippines, Mississippi rive in USA, Jordan river in Jordan, Mantaza-Riachuelo river in Argentina, Yamuna river in India, Yangtze rive in China, Nile river in Egypt are a few with the most pollution there are sadly many other in trouble. Why are river so important? What do you think? Carry water […]
Threats to life on earth
GLOBAL CLIMATE CHANGE – Carbon must be managed as levels are getting higher and higher climate change is real. LOSS OF BIODIVERSITY – The rate of extinction of 1000 times higher than normal. BEE DECLINE – No bees no food s the spread of pollen is required to produce 1/3 of all food. BAT DECLINE – Bats are pollinators also they are disappearing rapidly. PANDEMIC – As we are learning today how a virus can effect the world what if a more deadly one appears. BIOLOGICAL OR NUCLEAR TERRORISM – A bomb of deadly virus in the wrong hands can change all. SUPER VOLCANOES – The gas and ash release […]